New Energy Medicine San Luis Valley

Next Quantum Field Healing® Training

Date: To Be Determined
Info - Call Marcia Heusted at 719-256-4475 or 719-588-0208

Quantum Field Healing® –

Quantum physics has given us a new picture of reality which has a profound impact on healing possibilities. Physicists have discovered that we live in a non-local, non-linear universe; that consciousness creates reality; that reality is created by observation; that reality is undivided. These concepts uncover possibilities for healing heretofore unimagined. The client doesn’t have to be present with the practitioner in order for healing to occur. The practitioner and the client can co-create a reality in which a condition can change.

A quantum field healing® session puts these principles into practice. The session can be done in person or not. Your intention and Marcia’s provides the energy impetus for change in the reality field of the body, facilitated by Marcia’s ability to imagine and observe this change.

Once the quantum healing thought field is created, healthy cell regeneration and/or streams of healing energy are visualized. The cells in our bodies are made of light waves and are always in a state of flux. They are affected by the vibration of the thought field or quantum field. In the quantum field, quanta particles are in a greater state of freedom and expansion and therefore are more able to follow your thought forms, observations and levels of consciousness.

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