New Energy Medicine San Luis Valley

Many souls are being drawn now to cities of light where other members of their core soul families reside.

Cities of light are designated places on our planet that will serve as places of sanctuary throughout continuing earth changes.  They are fully formed in the etheric realms now and are only waiting to be made manifest in our dimensions post 2012. 

Cities of light are places where entire populations are spiritually aware of evolution and the sacredness of all things.  Living in cities of light the dwellers live for the evolution and growth of themselves, the rest of the group, and revere all of existence.  Their lives are dedicated to serving the divine plan.

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Through the tremendous shifts taking place on this planet people committed to living in cities of light must understand and live the following principals.  Author Amorah Quan Yin puts it best:  The human purpose on earth is to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Every human being has a divine essence made of light and love whose nature is goodness. Free will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls on the self to surrender its free will to divine will in faith and trust. All of natural existence is sacred beyond how it serves or meets the needs of the individual self.